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17 Problems Only Spoiled Brat Dogs Have


Dog people are a proud bunch. We take pleasure in meeting our dog’s basic needs, but we also take great lengths to make our dogs the happiest little fuzznuggets (and then share pictures of said fuzznuggets with everyone). And our dogs love us for it. But there’s a downside.

You see, spoiling your pup may make them…a little comfortable with their lot in life. A little jaded, if you will. An entitled little bratface monster, to be frank.


So if entitled pups were able to communicate in humanspeak, here are 17 things they’d complain about.

1. When you ask them to make a birthday wish.

via Brian Farrell Photography

via Brian Farrell Photography


2. When you provide cozy shelter from the frozen world.

via Imgur

via Imgur


3. When you trade your swanky city apartment for a house in the suburbs (and a mortgage) because you want your dog to have space to run.

via semanticnoise.com

via semanticnoise.com


4. When you let them pick a toy every time you go to the pet store.

via Buzzfeed

via Buzzfeed


5. When you explain that sticking his head out the window is dangerous, no matter how fun it looks on TV.

via Two Against The Road

via Two Against The Road


6. When you try to engage them in a friendly game of basic fetch.

via quickmeme

via quickmeme


7. When you try to keep a tidy home instead of letting the cat’s turds fester in the litter box.

via A Place To Love Dogs

via A Place To Love Dogs


8. When you channel your inner baker and whip up a fancy cake for your furbaby.

via timesunion.com

via timesunion.com


9. When you’re so good at choosing toys that every toy is your dog’s fave.

via quickmeme

via quickmeme


10. When you don’t have money to buy new socks because you spent it all on the four-legged ingrate you call your best friend.

via Rant Pets

via Rant Pets


11. When you force yourself to interact with other people at the dog park multiple times a week just so your dog can be a happy, socialized pup.

via Imgur

via Imgur


12. When you mistakenly think you can ask your dog to go get his ball so you can throw it for his pleasure.

via memedad

via memedad


13. When you stop caring about what people will say and buy your dog a king size human bed because you think he deserves it.

via I Am Nikon Blog

via I Am Nikon Blog


14. When you thoughtfully install a doggy door because you firmly believe dogs should have the freedom to decide when they want fresh air.

via Imgur

via Imgur


15. When you love your dog so much everything he does is worth attention on social media.

via Dog Boy's Dog Ranch

via Dog Boy’s Dog Ranch

16. When a pool is one of the requirements when looking for a house so your dog can go swimming whenever he wants.

via Imgur

via Imgur

17. When getting a BarkBox every month teaches your dog that, surely, every other package must be for them as well.

via Stocksy

via Stocksy



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