Mother's Day might be on Sunday, but The Dodo celebrates mothers year-round. Here are seven of our favorite mother-themed stories from the past year. Whether furry or feathered, these moms all went the extra mile for their babies.
The cow who hid her baby from rescuers
Rescued from life as a dairy cow, Clarabelle had lost countless calves to the cruel hands of the dairy farmer.
When she gave birth shortly after being rescued by a farm sanctuary, she hid her newborn calf so she couldn't be taken away.
Edgar's Mission
The octopus mom who protected her babies — for 4 years
Like any good mom, this octopus carefully guarded her eggs until they hatched. Only it took them four and a half years to do so, and the mother octopus stayed on her brood the entire time.
Robinson et al.
The mother elephant who spent 11 hours saving her baby
This mother elephant's baby fell into a well, and she refused to leave. After a night spent frantically trying to save her little calf, some friendly villagers came to the rescue.
YouTube/Caters TV
The quick-thinking dog who saved her puppies from a fire
With a forest fire raging through her home, this mother dog dug a hole to shield her babies from the blaze.
The mother goose who wouldn't leave her eggs
When someone very cruel set fire to this mother goose's nest, she refused to abandon her eggs. Her rescuer found her, singed but alive, hunkered down on her nest even as the flames rose around her.
Tim White
This mother squirrel who saved her fallen baby
When this tiny squirrel infant fell from his nest, his mother sprang into action. Lovingly gathering him up in her arms, she carried him right back up where he belonged.
Facebook/Brian McMahon
This touching mother-baby elephant reunion
Mae Yui lost her baby Me-Bai when she was torn away to be sold into Thailand's tourism industry. Years later Me-Bai was rescued, and her caretakers took her to meet her mother. Mae Yui's joy at having her long-lost baby returned was overwhelming — simple proof that maternal love is common to us all.
Facebook/Lek Chailert